Competency Based Behavioural Interview – The solution to job interviews
This is Part 2 of a series of reading articles on Competency Based Behavioural Interview (CBBI).
Part 1 had been posted last week. You can access this blog if you missed it.
Part 2: The Solution to Job Interviews
Behavioural interview is becoming more popular as it is a more accurate predictor of the right candidate compared to the traditional interview approach.
According to a survey conducted by Equation Research on behalf of Novations Group (a global consulting organization based in Boston) of more than 2,500 senior HR and training and development executives the use of behavioural interviewing is expected to grow dramatically.
The following responses were received when asked the question, “Which of the following best describes your organization’s use of behavioural interviewing”
We plan to use behavioural interviewing more often – 24.7%
We plan to use behavioural interviewing as often as in the past – 55.7%
We plan to use behavioural interview less often – 0.5%
We don’t use behavioural interviewing – 19.2%
Competency Based Behavioural Interviewing (CBBI) provides a structured approach to interviewing and uses behavioural questions based on job competencies. The premise behind behavioural interview is that past behaviour is a fairly accurate predictor of future performance. Behavioural questions are different from non-behavioural hypothetical questions which focus on what you would do if a particular situation occurred.
CBBI eliminates reliance on gut feelings, appearance, instinct and wrong use of body language. It ensures candidates are evaluated accurately, fairly and professionally, thereby projecting a good impression of the company to others.
You are most welcome to attend the CBBI Workshop in Penang, Malaysia from March 4-5, 2013.
Please contact me at: for details. There is an Early Bird rate for you to take advantage of.
Dr. Khoo Cheok Kau