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Persuasion Power At Work – Principles of Persuasion

Have you tried to get buy-in from your managers for your proposal or ideas, but failed?

Have you been facing difficulties to get a project for your team in your offshore plant because of the competition from other offshore plants in other countries?

How are you going to persuade the senior management in your onshore manufacturing facility to give you the project you most wanted?

Or, even persuade your child to take up a course of study most suitable to him or her?

Just what are the factors that cause one person to say yes to another person? It’s a well-kept secret that an entire science is devoted to how people are persuaded. There is a science that has discovered how to increase your likelihood of hearing “yes,” sometimes as much as 300% or 400%, by merely adding a word or phrase, or changing the sequence of your request.

The success of leaders, executives, managers, and salespeople is measured by their ability to accomplish goals. Those goals are met, more often than not, by reasoning, persuading and inspiring others to share a vision and pursue a common purpose. We live in a world where those who are the persuasive are the most prosperous.

How successful you are in your professional and personal life depends on your ability to influence others. Those who wish to create and sustain positive change in others need to understand how the influence process works. A vast body of scientific evidence now exists on how, when, and why people say “yes.” There’s been an average seven to nine year time-lag between the time that findings are discovered in the behavioral sciences, and the time they begin to be implemented by professionals who need the information. Find out which psychological principles influence the tendency to comply with a request.

Now, Kairos Performance Learning is pleased to offer you the Principles of Persuasion (POP) workshop. Developed by leading researchers in the behavioral sciences, it is the first program that bridges this time lag, helping you implement the latest research to your advantage.

The Principles of Persuasion workshop is the only course on the ethical application of influence actually endorsed by Dr. Robert Cialdini, Regents Professor of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University and New York Times Bestselling Business Author,

Based on his pioneering book, Influence: Science and Practice, the two-day workshop demonstrates how to ethically apply Dr. Cialdini’s six principles to produce lasting change and avoid common influence traps. It teaches strategies on how to create and maintain trusted relationships, how to avoid bungling away critical “moments of power” and interactively shows how small, strategic changes can yield lasting results.

The Principles of Persuasion workshop will be held as follows:

Dates: May 23-24, 2011

Venue: Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur

Time: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

The Principles of Persuasion workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Khoo Cheok Kau, who has been personally trained and certified by Dr. Robert Cialdini himself at Arizona State University. Dr. Khoo is among the only 24 Cialdini Method Certified Trainer (CMCT) in the world.

In the previous several Principles of Persuasion workshops held in Malaysia, participants came from Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia to learn how to effectively apply the Principles of Persuasion.

This Principle of Persuasion workshop is suitable for professionals in Leadership, Military, Police, Safety, Marketing, Learning & Development, Sales, Healthcare, Management, Financial Services, Negotiations, Writing, Communication and others who need to influence.

Register Now and Save RM200!

For further details, please contact Dr. Khoo at: 012-4019398

or email him at:

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