Tale of the Roasted Pig and Critical Thinking
Visitors to the island of Bali in Indonesia would have heard of the iconic "babi guling", or “turning pig” (English) which is a Balinese cuisine served in restaurants or roadside stalls. It is slowly roasted by turning the pig over an open fire, thus the name "babi guling". Roasted pig is also served in a Chinese 8-course dinner in restaurants in Asia. Here is an interesting story to share around the dinner table on the origin of roasted pigs while savouring the delicacy:
Charles Lamb (1775-1834) in his “A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig” related the story of a swine herd, Ho-ti who left the care of his cottage to his son, Bo-bo, while he went shopping. Bo-bo was playing with fire and accidentally caused the house to be burnt down and killing young pigs. How was he going to tell his father about the burnt house and dead pigs? Fortunate for him, he was able to tell his discovery of the delicious taste of the roasted pigs. Soon the secret of the roasted pig spread across the village. Burning of houses by the villagers then became more common to eat the delicious roasted pigs.
Lesson Point:
We can smile at the silliness of burning houses to get cooked roasted pigs. The case in point here is seeing a single cause - the burning house as responsible for the cooked roasted pig. The villagers need not burn their houses to eat roasted pigs. They just need to use fire to get roasted pigs.
Critical Thinking involves root cause analysis by asking the right questions. Root cause analysis is a tool to help identify not only what and how an event occurred, but also why it happened.
Allow me to share the article on The Case for Critical Thinking:
Dr. CK Khoo trains employees from multinational companies in Critical Thinking Skills with very positive ratings. His next Critical Thinking Skills workshop is on September 10-11, 2020.
For details of this 2-day workshop, email:info@kairospl.com or go to: kairospl.com